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St Margaret's

CofE Junior School

Growing and achieving in God's love









Our School Eco Code

Reduce our waste (especially of single use plastics)

  to help make our school more

Environmentally Friendly

Save our planet

Pick up litter, plant trees, put things in our compost

Everyone needs to play their part to

Care for our world.

Take responsibility; be a good steward to our

wonderful, precious planet!

Our School Eco Squad meet every week and all members have been working incredibly hard setting up their own projects linked to class Eco pledges.


Here are some details of some of their recent projects:-  

-setting up a compost scheme for all classes to use for their break and lunchtime snack waste

-introducing an old pen recycling scheme 

- planting 60 whips (young trees) on our school field

- helping to attract more wildlife to our fields through our new bird feeding stations.


Look out for their latest projects on the school Eco board. 

If you have any good ideas for future projects, share these with your class Eco member.

We have our Green Flag!

We have now come to the end of our clean air pollution monitoring! In the graph, you can see the results that we gathered. We came to the conclusion that because our air pollution was below 40ug, we are happy that our school doesn't produce much air pollution; however, we will continue to think of ways to keep this low (e.g. by encouraging people to use cars less).

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Faith and Community.

