How do we assess Geography?
How do we assess the impact of our Geography curriculum?
Geography Fluency (which is provided at the start of each session) helps teachers to measure the impact of learning that has taken place in current and previous units. Teachers use highly effective ‘Assessment for Learning’ at different points in each lesson to ensure misconceptions are highlighted and addressed. Pupils are regularly given opportunities for Peer and Group Assessment and every lesson ends with pupils self-assessing their learning; this helps inform future planning. Children carry out detailed reflections in purple pen at the end of each lesson and again at the end of a unit and this helps teachers to easily see who is able to independently answer the Learning Questions focused on. Children are given regular opportunities to form their own geographical questions on a topic and this helps to assess whether children are able to apply knowledge across different contexts. Children are assessed at the end of each unit using a range of methods and teachers formally input onto SIMS pupils’ geography levels three times a year.
Regular monitoring (both within and across the schools within our MAST) takes place of geography using a variety of means, e.g. book monitoring, pupil conferencing, lesson observations, data analysis.
The impact of our Geography Curriculum design will lead to strong progress over time across key stages relative to a child’s individual starting point and their progression of skills. Children are expected to leave St. Margaret’s reaching at least age-related expectations for Geography. Our Geography Curriculum will also lead pupils to be enthusiastic Geography learners, evidenced in a range of ways, including pupil voice and their work.
Upon leaving St. Margaret’s to embark on their journey to Key Stage 3, children will be equipped with the skills, knowledge and understanding to confidently continue their geography learning journey.