How do we implement History?
How do we implement our History curriculum?
The children will work towards developing a secure chronological understanding and knowledge of local, British and global history. Both connections and contrasts, as well as trends will be developed. This will be supported by the correct use of historical terms and key date information. The children will be encouraged to question, a lot. They will address and create questions that question change, cause, differences, similarities, significance and impact. When responding, it will be through informed and reference the relevant historical information and evidence. This will be done through using both primary and secondary evidence.
Planning will ensure a skills progression is evident throughout KS2. Each year group will build upon the previous year’s skill, even though topics will differ.
A creative curriculum is taught at St Margaret’s, so History is taught every term. Across the 6 half terms, three will have a main history focus. Within the learning of the term, the children will detail what knowledge they already possess through recounting previous learning. They will be able to state what they want to learn from the topic and any skills they wish to develop. The time period in question will also be discussed through a timeline for the period being create, whether individually or as a class. All of this will be guided and supported by the class teacher to ensure curriculum is covered, through careful planning, this will also ensure that technical and historical vocabulary can be employed. Children will create a summary of their knowledge at the end of a unit.
Where possible, as part of our creative curriculum, cross curricular links are to be made.