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St Margaret's

CofE Junior School

Growing and achieving in God's love







St Margaret's Geography Intent

What is the intent of our Geography Curriculum?

Through our geography sessions at St. Margaret’s, we aim to instil in pupils a fascination about the world and its inhabitants.  We actively encourage children to ask and explore their own geographical questions and we hope this thirst for knowledge and inquisitiveness about our planet remains with them for the rest of their lives.  We want children to love geography and we want all pupils (no matter what their background) to view themselves as natural, talented geographers! 


We endeavour to make geography lessons practical and utilise fieldwork where we can to help deepen children’s understanding and to help equip pupils to competently apply geographical skills to a range of situations.  The intention of our curriculum is that it fosters resilience within all pupils and the tasks set within geography sessions help encourage and enhance independence and communication and language skills. 


It is important that our pupils grow up knowing about the ever-changing world around them.  Through exploring our geography topics, we hope pupils develop an appreciation of, and reverence for, our precious (yet fragile) world and become good stewards of God’s creation.  We want to raise children who have no limits to what their ambitions are and grow up wanting to be cartographers, conservationists, climate change analyst, emergency management specialist, hydrologists, town planners, weather forecasters and we aim to encourage pupils to constantly strive and aspire to think of ways which could help make our planet better for all.

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