St Margaret's PE Intent
What is the intent of our Physical Education curriculum?
At St Margaret’s C of E Junior school, we recognise the importance Physical Education (PE) plays in the curriculum. We aim for all children to be physically active for sustained periods of time and be able to make informed decisions to lead healthy and active lives. As a result, we are committed to provide all children with opportunities to engage fully with our sporting curriculum, which aims to provide a broad range of sporting and physical activities.
We strongly believe that an inclusive and engaging PE curriculum, experienced in a supportive environment, is pivotal to ensure children succeed and excel in all types of physically demanding activities. Through this, pupils will be able to attain optimum physical, social, cognitive and emotional development as well as having the opportunity to refine their skills and further their knowledge of PE concepts. Consequently, our curriculum will support them to grow as an individual and to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Here at St Margaret’s, we aim that as a result of the enriching learning opportunities, all children will succeed, enjoy their learning and consistently strive to give their best efforts at all times and achieve their potential and personal best.
The aim of our PE programme is to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities that inspire all children to succeed and develop life skills that can be transferable to other aspects of their life. We intend they understand fairness and equity of play embedding lifelong values such as resilience, respect and responsibility. Children are given the opportunity to take part in a range of sports to enable them to develop their basic physical competencies, build confidence and build foundations for a love of physical activity, competitive sport and a healthy lifestyle.
To succeed we deliver an indoors (PE) and outdoors (Games) curriculum where they are fully immersed in a range of activities. We support children to compete against themselves and others whilst encouraging and teaching children how to cooperate and collaborate with others as an effective team. We promote children to transfer the school values to the sporting activity, ensuring they adhere to the principles of fairness, respect and display good sportsmanship.
Finally, as a school, we want to teach children skills to keep themselves safe. We recognise swimming is an important life skill; therefore, we aspire for all children to leave primary school being able to swim at least 25 metres.
All of the above is embedded in the heart of our planning, ensuring our objectives align with the National Curriculum. However, it must be reinforced that our curriculum is driven to improve not only the skill and fitness of all children, but their wellbeing through the values and disciplines PE promotes as well as the specific sporting skills taught.