Reporting to Parents
Reporting to Parents
We arrange a Parent Consultation Evening three times a year. The first, at the end of Term 1, is to give parents the opportunity to meet their child's class teacher and to enable the teacher to share progress and concerns they may have. Areas for future development and targets are agreed and set for the pupil.
The second Consultation Evening falls at the end of Term 3 and provides the opportunity to discuss with the teachers the progress your child has made since the start of the academic year.
Towards the end of the final term - Term 6 - in the summer term, you will receive a full written report and there will be an opportunity for you to discuss this report with the teacher as well as meet with the team receiving you child next year.
Interim progress reports are sent home at the end of Terms 2 and 4 to keep parents informed of progress towards targets. Any actions which may need to be taken during the following term can be clearly identified. The format for Interim Reports is presently under review but will be available at the end of Term 4.
There may be occasions when you wish to discuss urgently some matter concerning your child, or you may simply be seeking information or clarification. Please feel welcome throughout the year to discuss these matters with the class or setting teacher. Sometimes these questions can be easily addressed at the end of the day when staff are on the playground. However, if you think your discussion may take some time, it would be appreciated if an appointment could be made with the member of staff via the front office. In this way we can dedicate time to address your concern.