St. Margaret's Church
The Church of St.Margaret
The present church building is almost entirely of Gothic design, with just a few remains of the Norman church still incorporated in the east wall of the chancel. The 13th century Early English style can be seen in the chancel ,the 14th century period, known as the Decorated, represented in the nave and aisle, with the latest period of Gothic architecture, the Perpendicular most obvious in the 15th century tower.
The church itself is built of Kentish ragstone and flint. The church underwent major restoration in the 1860′sand 1870′s,and there have been several further important periods of reconstruction in the 20th and again in this century, when it was discovered that the main roof and tower were in an advanced state of decay, and required a comprehensive programme of works to ensure the long term safety and integrity of the building. The repairs were initially estimated to cost up to £1million, but were completed in April 2010 for less than £1/2 million.
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